Here's the progress on my second Fall-themed Monkey. In fact, I've made almost one more repeat since this picture was taken. It is still far too hot to be thinking of wool socks.
Today I finished Reginald Hill's An April Shroud. It's one of the older Dalziel and Pascoe books, though almost Pascoe-less. The copyright is from '75, and mostly it holds up well. Once in a while a reference or attitude jarred me into remembering that it's a 30 year old book.
I've only read a handful of the Dalziel and Pascoe stories. An April Shroud is the first largely from Dalziel's viewpoint. I've found it interesting getting inside his head.
At only about 180 pages, this book took several days since I've been playing with my knitting so much. Interesting how much publishing has changed over the years since the series started; now they're running to 400+ pages. Much as I love a long, meaty read, there's definitely a place for a tightly woven story as well.
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